Friday, March 28, 2008


So I have discovered the nest best ice cream. It's Ben and Jerry's Cake Batter Ice Cream. It's yellow cake batter ice cream with chocolate frosting swirls!!! Can you say Yum!!!! I love ice cream because it's great in the summer and also good for watching movie's with the girls or when your having a bad day. This stuff is delish!!! I wouldn't say this is my favorite ice cream now but it's 3. My favorite Panda Paws/ Moose Tracks. Sooooooo Good!!!! I also have found at Cold Stone peanut butter ice cream. I created my own ice cream. It was peanut butter ice cream, resse cups, and peanut butter sauce. OMG it was soooo good!!!! Anyway, what is your favorite ice cream and why?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Romeo's new groove

So this guy that I work with whose name is Romeo, is one of my really good friends. He works in the deli at the Giant and for awhile I liked him, but it didn't work out. He is a really funny kid and can sing Aladdin really well. He loves drinking Monster and is really hyper. I feel proud to say I helped in the process of helping him move on from his crazy ex, and onto one of my good friends. He told me he liked her so I set things up. I helped him write a poem to her that she loved and that was so cute. He gets so nervous around her and I have never seen him like this before. Every time I talk to him on the phone, all he talks about is this girl whose name is Juliet, who according to to Romeo is "the fairest maiden of them all." He has lots of fun with her and when I talk to her, she seems to have great feeling towards him!!! She is always smiling and apparently "Always on my mind," says Romeo. Anyways, I'd like to take credit for getting them together. Romeo is a sexy bitch and he loves Juliet's eyes. I'm happy for both of them and hope things work out.

*Names have been changed to protect all involved from identity theft*

Monday, March 24, 2008

So much for Easter....

So yesterday was Easter and I got to work from 8 in the morning until one, then rush home so I could see my cousin before she went to work at 2:30. As her and I got to talking we realized that our holidays are becoming less and less. Less people, less food, and less gifts (not that the gifts matter.) It is really sad because I really only see my cousins on holiday's and if we try and plan something, someone ends up having to work. So it's really hard to find time to see each other. The food wasn't all that great either. I made apple pie which was soooooo good, but my mom usually makes cheesecake but she bought it instead. It was good but it just wasn't the same. My mom usually makes really good potatoes, but she bought them from this place called Cena. They were sooo gross. The best part of my meal was the baked ziti. I will forever love that stuff!! Then after my cousin left I was all alone with nothing to do. Then my mom brought up this really old box from the seventies which had pictures of my mom, my aunt, and uncle when they were younger. It had a head band that's over 45 years old, and old report cards and stuff. I was looking at some of the clothes these people wore and couldn't help but laugh. My aunt had a bee hive hair do with tons of hair spray in it. My aunt was a beautician for awhile and once people found out she could give hair cuts like the Beatles, people flocked to her. My mom got it done and she looked like a twelve year old boy. It was pretty funny looking at those pictures. Our Easter was kind of boring and I miss my old Easter baskets that were filled with candy. Now I got makeup, gum, and some money. Not so thrilling. I miss the Easter Bunny and searching for eggs around the house. It's just not the same. I guess that's a part of growing up. Today's question is how was your Easter? What are your normal traditions? What has changed? Would you want it back to the way it was when you were younger? I can't wait to go back to school tomorrow! NOT

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My favorite food is........

The one food I cannot live without is mashed potatoes. They are so delicious and you can eat them anytime of the year and they are still great. Obviously, they are the food of Thanksgiving but just the other day I whipped myself up a batch. They were so cheesy and creamy and delish!!! I also had some corn and broccoli with them and I thought I'd bring it all together with some cranberry juice. It felt like Thanksgiving, which is my favorite holiday because of mashed potatoes. And when you eat them you just can't have a small amount. You have to pile them high with gravy and butter. Oh I'm drooling thinking about them. The great thing is, you can add whatever you want to them. You can add bacon, ham, cheese, corn, pretty much anything your heart desires. They are the most amazing food in the world, so hears my question to you. What is your favorite food? Why do you like it so much?

Friday, March 21, 2008

My favorite things to wear.....

So I was sitting here and thought about what to write about and I decided that sweatshirts and sweatpants are God's gift to this earth. If you're single, like myself, and have no one to impress, they are the best thing ever created. They are soft and you can wear them anywhere, from going to the store or just lounging around the house. Of course there are limits to this, like you can't wear them on a date, or to the opera. That would be ridiculous. Anyway, I was just wondering what your favorite clothes are. Why do you like them soooo much?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I wanna know, what your feelin.....

Let me know what some of your favorite bands or songs are. I'm just curious to see how different all of our tastes in music are. Look at your ipod for inspiration. How do these songs make you feel? Did it ever help you in your life? Did someone introduce you to this song or band? How did it affect you? <- just some questions to get your mind thinking.....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's a Hard Life

This song says it all.....Just listen to it and you'll see what I mean. Here are the lyrics for you if you want to sing along.

I don't want my freedom
There's no reason for living with a broken heart

This is a tricky situation
I've only got myself to blame
It's just a simple fact of life
It can happen to anyone

You win - you lose
It's a chance you have to take with love
Oh yeah - I fell in love
And now you say it's over and I'm falling apart

It's a hard life
To be true lovers together
To love and live forever in each others hearts
It's a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in one another right from the start
When you're in love

I try and mend the broken pieces
I try to fight back the tears
They say it's just a state of mind
But it happens to everyone

How it hurts - deep inside
When your love has cut you down to size
Life is tough - on your own
Now I'm waiting for something to fall from the skies
And I'm waiting for love

Yes it's a hard life
Two lovers together
To love and live forever in each others hearts
It's a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in one another - right from the start
When you're in love

Yes it's a hard life
In a world that's filled with sorrow
There are people searching for love in ev'ry way
It's a long hard fight
But I'll always live for tomorrow
I'll look back on myself and say I did it for love
Yes I did it for love - for love - oh I did it for love

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Song!!

So I have decided that I couldn't do a talent show without doing a Queen song, so I have changed my song to "Somebody To Love" by Queen. Queen is one of my favorite bands ever, and I listen to them all the time. This song was tricky to learn but I got it and I'm super excited to be singing it. If you don't know the song here you go:

PS....The talent show is on April there or be square.

Monday, March 17, 2008


So I just got back from the most boring hour and a half of my life. This was attending a Board of Education Meeting for PIG. Let me start from the beginning.

Once upon a time, I was assigned to take PIG, a class that teaches you the role students play in government. If that wasn't enough torture, you have to attend a town meeting or a Board of Education meeting and have 15 hours of community service. So far I have the BOE meeting down and 2 hours of community service for filling out a voting registration, which I already did online so it was completely pointless, but whatever. So back to the BOE meeting. I was told it was at the District Building at 7:30. So I left my house at 10 after 7. I got there at 7:21. The parking lot wasn't that full but I went inside anyway and saw a bulletin that said "March 17, 2008 BOE meeting 7:00 at T.J Watson." I was like "I have no idea which school that is!!!!" So I figured out that it's the one near Crestview. I felt like a mouse in a maze trying to find the darn school. They didn't put that school in a very convenient spot, I will tell you that much. So finally I got to the school and saw a bunch of cars and I knew I was late. I walked to the front of the building and I was so glad that school looks like AGM (West Corners represent), so I knew exactly where the cafeteria was. I got to the front door and saw a note "Use Cafeteria Door in Back of school." I groaned and then walked all the way to the back, opened the door, and sat down in the back. They were talking about all the money we spend and how much it costs per student and all this stuff with big sums of money I didn't even know this district had. Then they started to talk about JFS and all the additions to it and the renovations they were planning on doing to it. I became a little more intrigued to see that plans for this and decided to take some notes, since my class requires me to do a write up. As Doctor Coon stood up to talk, I saw he had on a dreadful suit jacket, the color of my curtains in my living room which are a hideous green color. It was a really bad flashback to the '80s, which I hope I don't have to return to. His jacket was so distracting, it took the focus off the presentation and onto him. Anyway, then they were talking about moving the sixth graders at JFS to AGM and what not. They wanted to eliminate any distraction from the construction and focus on learning. They were talking about how they might have to switch classrooms three or four times a year to accommodate construction and I also found out that JFS is going to rock now. They are going to have a ton of stuff like two gyms on the same floor, and that second floor, nasty gym is going to be the new library. They also discussed how the schedules will be changed and that language will be required in 7th grade instead of 8th. Oh man, are those kids going to hate that. I also heard this lady whine about how she has four kids that would go to four different schools and how that is going to break the family bond and all this other bologna. All and all, I wasn't too thrilled with the meeting and I would rather get a shot (which I hate with a passion) than sit at another board meeting. Now I have to focus on getting 13 more community service hours. Whoo hooo.....can't wait!!! (NOT)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Good Old Days

What happened? We all used to be so cute and innocent. Then we all tried to fit in during middle school and that's when the downward trek started. We used to play on the playground, chase the boys around the swing, play kickball together, and said that the opposite sex had the cooties. What happened to those days? Why can't we still do that kind of stuff.
Now girls have their underwear out and wear short skirts that show, well there is no other way to put this but, their Lindsey Lohan. Girls need all the coolest bags and those $250 jeans that rip in a week. They compete with each other and see who's boy friend is hotter and who slept with theirs first. Then to get back at the other, they sleep with their best friend's boy friend and the guys take pictures of what they do with girls in hotels (sound familiar?) Any way all I'm saying is that it's still okay to be a kid. It's still okay to play on the playground and want to swing on the tire swing. We are 17 and 18 years old. We don't need to group up so fast.

*By the way I have no idea who these people are in these pictures*

Saturday, March 15, 2008

An old english folk song

So my sister just entertained me by showing this clip off of youtube which is an old english folk song. It is very clever and it just makes you smile thinking of the words that rhyme with the other words. If you don't get what I mean watch the video!!!! check it out!!

p.s that is Bob Saget aka Danny Tanner from Full House

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Where Would You Be?

If I could be anywhere right now I would want to be sitting outside of my house and by my fire pit just curled up in a bunch of blankets with the crackling fire going, just looking at the stars. I love it outside of my house because there are no lights to block the skies amazing-ness. I love falling asleep outside and the smell of the fire. I love it when you're by the fire for a long time and then your clothes and your hair smell of the fire. I love that because I feel almost one with my body is absorbing it. Just taking the time out to relax by a fire is so great because you can just clear your mind of the bad and think about the good. Have you wondered what is beyond what we see? Wondered what we are missing? Wondered what's beyond, beyond? I do that a lot but I can't fathom it. Although it is too cold to do this now, once it hits about i don't know 50 degrees I'm outside to have a bon fire. Who ever wants to come, is welcome to my house. Marshmallows are the best over the fire but just hanging out and looking at the stars and falling asleep under them is just amazing. The only thing I hate about being outside are the bats that fly around but they don't bother me. As long as I can reminisce, I'll let them live.

Where would you want to be right now if the weather allowed it?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

And I thought Hippos were cute....

So today I saw the two most disturbing videos of hippos I have ever seen. They were fighting each other and i was deeply saddened to learn that hippos are so mean. They look cute in cartoons but when I saw these videos, they looked like a completely different and ugly if I might add. Maybe if they weren't so ugly they wouldn't be so mean. Maybe if they had higher self esteem they wouldn't be so crazy and spray their feces everywhere which is another thing I learned today. This is disgusting but that's how they claim their territory. Anyway, I thought hippos were nice and pleasant but come to find out they are NOT!!! Does anyone remember the game Hungry Hungry Hippo?! That game was fun because they were colored hippos eating little white balls. No one tells kids that they are mean and nasty. This video is a commercial I just found....kinda funny....

Monday, March 10, 2008


As I was giving up hope on the whole prom date thing, I finally figured out who I wanted to go with. Hid older brother is in our grade and is a great person. And you may ask, well why didn't you ask him? Well i figured Donnie Faughnan was taken so I went to the next best thing...his younger brother Pat. I asked him during math on the calculator. You know how you can type on there...well I did. My teacher kept walking by, so I kept clearing and after about 7 or 8 tries I typed, "Wanna go to my prom with me"....He said now I'm uber excited that I have a I have two more missions

1. Get a dress ( I found my dress!!!!!!)
2. Find Elise a date

Prom Dress:$300
Prom Dinner:$60
Limo:$80 per person
Having a blast with your friends: priceless

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lack of Money

So I finally was able to put money in the bank. I haven't been able to do this in months because I'm always owing people money especially my mom. Over the past 4 days I have basically given her $70. Thursday my sister and I went and ran a couple errands. Her friend had surgery so she wanted to buy a couple things for her. I purchased these things which cost about $8 and then my sister called my mom and said, "you have to pay Mallory back." My mom said this was fine. Later my sister and I grew quite hungry so we went to Taco Bell. I bought my sister and I dinner and spent about $7. Again my sister called my mom to ask if she would pay me back and my mom said yes. Then I decided to put gas in the car so that well so that it could be driven. I put $25 in that. I got home and had saved all of my receipts from my purchases except I didn't get one for gas because I paid in cash. I walked downstairs and asked my mom for $15 because I figured I would put the gas in the car this week so I only asked for the two previous purchases. Well, she said, "You owe me for putting minutes on your phone" and today I paid her $30 for the other half of what I owed the state because she said she would pay half. Well again she said, "You owe me twenty a week for insurance so subtract that, you owe me for putting minutes on your phone, and you put gas in the car." Last time I checked I wasn't responsible for feeding my sister. And just in case I haven't cleared this up, I work at the GIANT and make $7.80 per hour. I make about $100 a week. I somehow always come up short and my mom is always asking for money because I "owe" her. Well the distress that woman causes me and me taking it, is payment enough. She is always on my case about something. Well, tonight she said "Well I'll give you ten back." I go "Forget it, you're going to find something else to charge me for." Even before I had this job I had to pay for everything. If I didn't have the money I couldn't get it. Now I pay for my insurance, gas, and apparently for my sister too. This is really making me angry now and I almost feel like crying because the only one that understands is my dad because he hates when she takes my money. I'm 18 MOM!!!!! I don't even want to call her that! I don't make that much money and I'm always giving her money and I hate it because I can't do anything!!! I'm hoping to move out of my house and in with my dad because my mom is like the Wicked Witch of the West. I'm sorry this post is such a drag but I'm in that kind of mood.

Do you have to pay for all of your purchases? i.e insurance, gas, cell phone, or just things that you want

Are your parents as bad as my mom?????

** Again sorry this is such a bummed out message, but it's been on my mind lately.**

Friday, March 7, 2008

The worst sub ever!!!!!

So today I was in communications class hoping to see Mrs. Krieger and have my day brightened but to my surprise some lady that we have had in the past was there. The witch of all teachers!!! Mrs.Fitch!!!! That woman has more problems than most people in the psych ward. She prowled around the entire time, weaving in and out of the computers as if on a hunt for some teen meat. I was reading my packet to learn more for my analysis I have to write (btw I am not looking forward to that), and she would come and stand behind Steph and I. I was like "excuse me..go!" She bothers me more than Mrs. Petrish does who is another sub that I have had the unfortunate pleasure of having. Anyway, Fitch should have never been a teacher because as she was prowling around she began to ask us a million and one questions on something about cave men. Now, Steph and I began looking at each other like shut up. She told us to work and be quiet, and believe me we tried, but the woman cannot stop talking. She is worse than my mom...seriously. The best part about this whole class was at the end. Leaving her presence was a gift from above. That woman needs to get off the list of substitutes because she may have filled the spot of Mrs. Krieger but she is no Mrs. all! Blah blah blah blah blah

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Poem to My Cold

Sniffles, sniffles everywhere
And not a tissue anywhere
I will not wipe it on my shirt
Not even in the dirt
( nothing to do with the poem but it's like an intermission..this is starting to sound like Dr.Seuss)
I don't want to wipe it on my friend
Because then my arm might break and bend
I am not to happy with the snot
Although that'd be cool in a knot
I am sad and grumpy everyday
So please cold, go away
You are my biggest enemy
And I always have to pee
They say to drink more liquids
But nothing rhymes with liquids
The Doctor will tell me to get some rest
But I think that my dad knows best
Vitamin C is the way to go
And that's what you need to do

So today's blog is going to be in a much lighter mood than yesterday. I'm feeling a little bit better but still yucky. I want to talk about the effect the opposite sex has on people. I can't talk about this from a guys point of view seeing as though I am all girl here but I can see it from a girls point of view. Guys are very interesting beings. They can pee with out squatting, they can laugh at the dumbest jokes ever, but the most important thing is that they can look at you a certain way and you just know. You know that they like you and you obviously like them. I feel this way about someone and I'm about 99.9% sure they feel the same way. But here's my question. Why is nothing done about it? Why can't a guy say how he feels and the girl be like "Oh my gosh, I feel the same!" I have told this person how I feel about them and they say that they like me too, but neither of us want to be in a relationship. How can that be?!? I am completely boggled by this!! I'm pretty sure the only person that understands this as well as myself is Elise. I have told her about him and she is kind of in the same predicament. Guys are so great (most of the time....when they aren't a pain), but why can't they just admit how they feel? I mean I'm not trying to sound desperate but a certain date is approaching (May 17th...aka PROM) and the one kid I want to ask me, hasn't. He likes me but said it's too early to ask anyone. It's in 2 and a half months for Pete sake. All I'm saying is, guys need to grow some b@lls and ask a girl to prom. We don't have forever guys!!
As you can tell I got way off topic which I have a slight problem with so, moving on. Guys have certain looks they give girls which show that they are interested. For instance, doing the full body scan or the head nod. All of these qualify as being interested. For when they look at you and they talk to you, they just make your heart melt. Sure, around their friends they won't be like that because they have to be "tough" but when it's just you and him, the world seems to turn on its axis and just stop spinning all together. (I'm not sure if any of my fellow girls out there can relate but if so leave me a comment please.) When guys get into deep thought they really speak like they are reading it from a book. It's so sweet and just makes you feel so good inside. Ever look into a guys eyes? They have the most amazing eyes ever. The guy that I was talking about earlier has the most amazing blue eyes. They just make my heart want to melt. And when you stare into their eyes, you find yourself lost and agreeing with everything they say. I will give you a for instance. You and your guy are talking to each other during class and then the staring begins, but not the gawky staring, just looking into his b-e-a-utiful eyes. He starts to talk about a movie he saw that you don't like but you pretend you do, well because you like him. He's just a-talking away and he says "Oh my gosh!!! The part where the car smashes into the huge 18 wheeler was my favorite part and then the hot chick gets out and she has tiny shorts on....Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!" And then you say "That's my favorite too!!" Ooops....not good. Hey at least he thinks you have similar taste in movies. I think the eyes of a guy say it all. It tells you yes I'm interested or no. If a guy can look at you and talk that is good because he can keep contact and also multi task.

To sum up guys are amazing and just need to get the courage to ask a girl out already! What's a girl got to do, ask you herself? (I've tried this but am getting no luck. Pointers would be fab also especially from the gentlemen out there on how to handle a situation like this)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Under the Weather

So today I am pretty sick and don't feel good. At some moments I'm cold then I'm warm the next. Although my singing voice is in tact (kinda), I feel crummy and today I even pulled out the sweats and sweat shirt outfit. I had a cute outfit all ready to go and I had it on, but I wasn't feeling to great so I changed really fast and walked out the door. I hate being sick because I eat too much and I have to take yucky medicine and most of the time it doesn't even work. Today is kind of a bum day, so tomorrow or maybe even later, I will come back and post again. I hope I get better soon and anyone is welcome to bring me a nice hot cup of Italian Wedding soup, or if you can't get it hot Campbell's works as long as you heat it up for me.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Socks are fab!! (sometimes)

So I was thinking second period about socks for some reason. It got me thinking about all the different kinds of socks. There are ankle socks, knee high socks, toe socks, striped socks and all the other designs on socks you can possibly think of. There are socks with chickens, socks with polka dots...there are a million different kinds of socks. But I have two problems with socks, make that three. One, I always manage to lose one of the pair in the dryer. It's like the dryer eats them. I mean eat the lint dryer, not my socks. I need them. I get mad when that happens. And because I lose one, well that leads me to my next point. I can never find two of the same sock. I mean I try to find two similar socks but sometimes I get a white one and a black one because I need to get going because I'm rushed (always), so I grab two socks and they don't match. I hate that! My last problem with socks is that I hate them. I love the summer because I can wear flip flops. Socks are just an excuse to cover something else up. Don't get me wrong, I sure don't want my feet wet or dirty, but I hate wearing socks. I'm wearing them now but that's only because my feet are cold. I do have cute hot pink slipper socks which I love, but I'm just too lazy to get them. Oh, one more reason I hate socks....if you wear them to bed, you end up losing them because they fall off so when you rearrange your room, you find about 7 unmatching socks behind your bed. I'm an ankle sock person myself and I own mostly white socks but I was just wondering what kind of socks you all wear. Are toe socks your thing? Do you like colored socks? What do you like?

The Greatest High School Ever!!!

Well I surely cannot compete with Colin Rambo's sweet high schools around the globe, but I feel he wouldn't mind the high school I wish I was in. I think all high schools even the one's that Colin Rambo talks about, should have music! Music everywhere!!! Posters of new music and old music, from Fuel to Led Zeppelin. Music is so important in our lives. It speaks to us the way that no person/friend can speak to us. It gives us experiences that we can relate to and emotional attachment to those songs which help us to get through the bad times and live in the good times. Music is everywhere and I love it so much that I think there should be a music high school. Every class is learned in song (I think you math teachers out there could take a lesson, if you create a song about a topic, maybe I'll remember it for once). Teachers will have to be good at singing and the subject they are teaching. There are so many undercover singers out there that it shouldn't be too awfully hard to find teachers. Lessons can be sung to famous songs like "Money" or "We All Live in a Yellow Submarine." I would learn so much better because I love to sing, so lessons would be made easier. Also, if instruments were involved like a piano or guitar it would get the kids more involved. It would give them music skills and also the skills the state says are "necessary." I think that an all music school would be great and I would take part in it, DEFINITELY!!!

What do you think of this idea?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stairway to Heaven

This song is probably one of the most peaceful songs I've heard. Led Zeppelin was amazing and this is one of the greatest songs of the 20th century. Listen to the guitar and how smooth it is and how his voice is absolutely perfect with this song. Even the words themselves are so calm and just make you relax.

Let me know what you think of this song (although it is very long, it is so worth listening to). Let me know who your favorite rock band is, and not new rock. CLASSIC ROCK! The rock that shaped music and gave meaning to songs!!

Where would you be?

I was trying to think of a million topics for this blog but nothing seemed better than talking about where I want to be in 10 years. I'll start by saying, in six years I hope to have my masters in elementary school teaching so I can get a job and teach kids. I hope to take my masters with me up to the Adirondacks and teach up there because I love it so much even though it's about 30 degrees colder up there. It's a small area and I love being there. I would love to get a cute cabin and live there and raise my kids there which leads me to my next point. I want to be married by the time I'm 25 and then have 2 kids shortly after. A boy and a girl or two boys I'm hoping. I could not handle two girls, but that's not up to me. I want my husband to have a job that pays pretty well so we can afford things that are necessary and also those luxury items. If this whole thing doesn't work out, living in the Adirondacks and all, I will stay here and have my family. I also would love to have a husky named Bailey. My main priority in ten years is my family. This is kind of the way I've always thought of my life happening. I don't have a plan B so if this doesn't go as I planned then I'm really not sure. Hopefully in about 2-3 years I find the one that I'm supposed to be with my entire life. Who knows they could be right in front of me or maybe I haven't met them yet. I don't want the generic husband, tall, dark, and handsome, although the handsome part would be key. I want a guy that has confidence in himself and is funny and that CARES. You don't find many guys that care and if you do they are your best friend, gay, or already taken,and I'm not going to be held responsible for breaking up a relationship. No way!! I want a guy that loves music and much as me and that has a great time anywhere. I don't want to sit home every night and watch ESPN. Let's go out and have fun! I've always wanted to go on a picnic with a guy (oh my gosh...this is starting to sound like a dating service ad). All I want is a guy that has a good time and doesn't watch ESPN like it's their religion. I love sports and all, but in moderation. I hope my kids are cute too!?! I want to focus on my career after college and then settle down with a family.

Where do you want to be in 10 years? What do you want to have (material items)?
*********BE REALISTIC********

Saturday, March 1, 2008


This is really cool how Judson Laipply dances and makes each move flow into the next. It's pretty funny but not as funny as dancer face ( I think it does a very good job at showing how dance has changed over the years. Check it out!!


Ok, so when I woke up this morning I was at my friend Megan's house and Jess Miller was there too, and Megan randomly said we graduate in about 3 and a half months. It's so shocking to hear that because this year has gone by so fast and a lot has happened during this year. I'm really sad too because my friends will be separated and we won't see eachother as much. We are all going to college and starting our separarte lives. I'm also really excited because I wont ever have to do another swimming unit in gym class ever again!!! That also means no more drama too!!! So for all you girls who start that, you only have a small time frame left to finish that. I can't wait to start college, although I am going to Front Street High (aka BCC). I'm really looking forward to learning all that I need to know to become a teacher. OH EIGHT SENIORS!!!!!!!!