Monday, March 17, 2008


So I just got back from the most boring hour and a half of my life. This was attending a Board of Education Meeting for PIG. Let me start from the beginning.

Once upon a time, I was assigned to take PIG, a class that teaches you the role students play in government. If that wasn't enough torture, you have to attend a town meeting or a Board of Education meeting and have 15 hours of community service. So far I have the BOE meeting down and 2 hours of community service for filling out a voting registration, which I already did online so it was completely pointless, but whatever. So back to the BOE meeting. I was told it was at the District Building at 7:30. So I left my house at 10 after 7. I got there at 7:21. The parking lot wasn't that full but I went inside anyway and saw a bulletin that said "March 17, 2008 BOE meeting 7:00 at T.J Watson." I was like "I have no idea which school that is!!!!" So I figured out that it's the one near Crestview. I felt like a mouse in a maze trying to find the darn school. They didn't put that school in a very convenient spot, I will tell you that much. So finally I got to the school and saw a bunch of cars and I knew I was late. I walked to the front of the building and I was so glad that school looks like AGM (West Corners represent), so I knew exactly where the cafeteria was. I got to the front door and saw a note "Use Cafeteria Door in Back of school." I groaned and then walked all the way to the back, opened the door, and sat down in the back. They were talking about all the money we spend and how much it costs per student and all this stuff with big sums of money I didn't even know this district had. Then they started to talk about JFS and all the additions to it and the renovations they were planning on doing to it. I became a little more intrigued to see that plans for this and decided to take some notes, since my class requires me to do a write up. As Doctor Coon stood up to talk, I saw he had on a dreadful suit jacket, the color of my curtains in my living room which are a hideous green color. It was a really bad flashback to the '80s, which I hope I don't have to return to. His jacket was so distracting, it took the focus off the presentation and onto him. Anyway, then they were talking about moving the sixth graders at JFS to AGM and what not. They wanted to eliminate any distraction from the construction and focus on learning. They were talking about how they might have to switch classrooms three or four times a year to accommodate construction and I also found out that JFS is going to rock now. They are going to have a ton of stuff like two gyms on the same floor, and that second floor, nasty gym is going to be the new library. They also discussed how the schedules will be changed and that language will be required in 7th grade instead of 8th. Oh man, are those kids going to hate that. I also heard this lady whine about how she has four kids that would go to four different schools and how that is going to break the family bond and all this other bologna. All and all, I wasn't too thrilled with the meeting and I would rather get a shot (which I hate with a passion) than sit at another board meeting. Now I have to focus on getting 13 more community service hours. Whoo hooo.....can't wait!!! (NOT)