Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lack of Money

So I finally was able to put money in the bank. I haven't been able to do this in months because I'm always owing people money especially my mom. Over the past 4 days I have basically given her $70. Thursday my sister and I went and ran a couple errands. Her friend had surgery so she wanted to buy a couple things for her. I purchased these things which cost about $8 and then my sister called my mom and said, "you have to pay Mallory back." My mom said this was fine. Later my sister and I grew quite hungry so we went to Taco Bell. I bought my sister and I dinner and spent about $7. Again my sister called my mom to ask if she would pay me back and my mom said yes. Then I decided to put gas in the car so that well so that it could be driven. I put $25 in that. I got home and had saved all of my receipts from my purchases except I didn't get one for gas because I paid in cash. I walked downstairs and asked my mom for $15 because I figured I would put the gas in the car this week so I only asked for the two previous purchases. Well, she said, "You owe me for putting minutes on your phone" and today I paid her $30 for the other half of what I owed the state because she said she would pay half. Well again she said, "You owe me twenty a week for insurance so subtract that, you owe me for putting minutes on your phone, and you put gas in the car." Last time I checked I wasn't responsible for feeding my sister. And just in case I haven't cleared this up, I work at the GIANT and make $7.80 per hour. I make about $100 a week. I somehow always come up short and my mom is always asking for money because I "owe" her. Well the distress that woman causes me and me taking it, is payment enough. She is always on my case about something. Well, tonight she said "Well I'll give you ten back." I go "Forget it, you're going to find something else to charge me for." Even before I had this job I had to pay for everything. If I didn't have the money I couldn't get it. Now I pay for my insurance, gas, and apparently for my sister too. This is really making me angry now and I almost feel like crying because the only one that understands is my dad because he hates when she takes my money. I'm 18 MOM!!!!! I don't even want to call her that! I don't make that much money and I'm always giving her money and I hate it because I can't do anything!!! I'm hoping to move out of my house and in with my dad because my mom is like the Wicked Witch of the West. I'm sorry this post is such a drag but I'm in that kind of mood.

Do you have to pay for all of your purchases? i.e insurance, gas, cell phone, or just things that you want

Are your parents as bad as my mom?????

** Again sorry this is such a bummed out message, but it's been on my mind lately.**