Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dream Job

my dream job is to be an elementary school teacher. I've always loved kids and wanted to help them be better students but people as well. I want to teach fifth grade because they aren't as immature as fourth graders and aren't as moody as sixth graders. It doesn't sound like much but that's my dream job...To be the best teacher I can!

P.S. I'd love to teach in the Adirondack's because I love it so much up there!!!

The Eye

So last night I got home from work, put some gas in the car, and then was picked up by my friend, Derick Struble to go to a movie. We were going to see the eye. I had heard it was weird and that it was a little scary so I expected the worst. I'm not really one for scary movies but I thought what the hey...I'll go. So we got there (half and hour early or more) so we decided to flip a coin where to go before...heads was walmart and tails was walmart so it landed tails and we went to walmart. We walked around aimlessly for awhile and then decided to go back. We were still a little early so we watched the previews (fyi there are no new good movies coming out). We saw this one where they were trying to contain a plague like virus and it looked good up until they showed the future of what happened. There were high speed car races and all this crazy stuff that had nothing to do with any illness. Anyway, we sat through 15 minutes of previews and then the movie started. It was ok for awhile until the intense music freaked me out because I knew something scary was going to happen. It also didn't help that Derick kept going "boo" and freaking me out more. What I didn't tell you is that I went to the movie with a head ache and it got progressively worse through out the movie. So after about an hour and a half of being scared we left. I really wasn't feeling all that well so Derick asked me if I wanted to get some food. I was like sure. We ended up at Skylark Diner where all the freaks hang out late at night. Even the people that work there scare me. Anyway, I ordered breakfast and I felt so sick that I had the glass of water on my head to prevent it from hurting. I felt not very well inside so when we got our food I cut a piece of egg off and ate it only to feel even worse. So as Derick ate his French Toast, I sat there holding my head in my hands. I had really never had a head ache like this before. I got a box for my food and Derick made sure I was ok and took me home. All the way home I tried to close my eyes so the pain would go away. Well I got home, thanked him for everything (I think he is the only guy in the world willing to pay for dinner and a movie), and I walked in my house. I didn't have any bad dreams about weird shadow things coming to get me, so I guess that's a good thing. I will never watch that movie again and good news I feel a lot better. I did eat my breakfast from last night, this morning...just in case you were wondering.