Thursday, February 14, 2008

What is Valentines Day?

Valentine Day –noun February 14, observed in honor of St. Valentine as a day for the exchange of valentines and other tokens of affection.
Well I feel that this holiday is not very good if you don't have someone to give gifts to. My cousin calls it Singles Awareness Day. I thought this was funny because it is true. If you are single, it just glorifies the fact that you are in fact alone. So I felt it was my duty to find stuff to do when you are single on Valentine's day.
I had plans for Valentine's Day but they kind of caved when the guy bailed on me, but anyway...
The first thing I did was went to get my paycheck like I do every Thursday. Then to give the gift of fitness, I took myself to a little place called the gym. It's great if you're alone because you can check out all the other people that are there, who are also single. There are some hot guys there. Then I went to my place of employment and chatted it up with some of my fellow employees for awhile until I felt I had annoyed them enough. I dropped some things off at a couple of friends house and headed home. Now I am writing this blog, talking about what to do on Valentine's Day if you're single.
See!! Even if you don't have a special someone to treat, you can always treat yourself. To all you couples out there...keep the gifts cheap because it will come back to bite you....believe me.