Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stairway to Heaven

This song is probably one of the most peaceful songs I've heard. Led Zeppelin was amazing and this is one of the greatest songs of the 20th century. Listen to the guitar and how smooth it is and how his voice is absolutely perfect with this song. Even the words themselves are so calm and just make you relax.

Let me know what you think of this song (although it is very long, it is so worth listening to). Let me know who your favorite rock band is, and not new rock. CLASSIC ROCK! The rock that shaped music and gave meaning to songs!!

Where would you be?

I was trying to think of a million topics for this blog but nothing seemed better than talking about where I want to be in 10 years. I'll start by saying, in six years I hope to have my masters in elementary school teaching so I can get a job and teach kids. I hope to take my masters with me up to the Adirondacks and teach up there because I love it so much even though it's about 30 degrees colder up there. It's a small area and I love being there. I would love to get a cute cabin and live there and raise my kids there which leads me to my next point. I want to be married by the time I'm 25 and then have 2 kids shortly after. A boy and a girl or two boys I'm hoping. I could not handle two girls, but that's not up to me. I want my husband to have a job that pays pretty well so we can afford things that are necessary and also those luxury items. If this whole thing doesn't work out, living in the Adirondacks and all, I will stay here and have my family. I also would love to have a husky named Bailey. My main priority in ten years is my family. This is kind of the way I've always thought of my life happening. I don't have a plan B so if this doesn't go as I planned then I'm really not sure. Hopefully in about 2-3 years I find the one that I'm supposed to be with my entire life. Who knows they could be right in front of me or maybe I haven't met them yet. I don't want the generic husband, tall, dark, and handsome, although the handsome part would be key. I want a guy that has confidence in himself and is funny and that CARES. You don't find many guys that care and if you do they are your best friend, gay, or already taken,and I'm not going to be held responsible for breaking up a relationship. No way!! I want a guy that loves music and much as me and that has a great time anywhere. I don't want to sit home every night and watch ESPN. Let's go out and have fun! I've always wanted to go on a picnic with a guy (oh my gosh...this is starting to sound like a dating service ad). All I want is a guy that has a good time and doesn't watch ESPN like it's their religion. I love sports and all, but in moderation. I hope my kids are cute too!?! I want to focus on my career after college and then settle down with a family.

Where do you want to be in 10 years? What do you want to have (material items)?
*********BE REALISTIC********