Saturday, March 1, 2008


This is really cool how Judson Laipply dances and makes each move flow into the next. It's pretty funny but not as funny as dancer face ( I think it does a very good job at showing how dance has changed over the years. Check it out!!


Ok, so when I woke up this morning I was at my friend Megan's house and Jess Miller was there too, and Megan randomly said we graduate in about 3 and a half months. It's so shocking to hear that because this year has gone by so fast and a lot has happened during this year. I'm really sad too because my friends will be separated and we won't see eachother as much. We are all going to college and starting our separarte lives. I'm also really excited because I wont ever have to do another swimming unit in gym class ever again!!! That also means no more drama too!!! So for all you girls who start that, you only have a small time frame left to finish that. I can't wait to start college, although I am going to Front Street High (aka BCC). I'm really looking forward to learning all that I need to know to become a teacher. OH EIGHT SENIORS!!!!!!!!