Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I question them sometimes

Today and even yesterday I felt as though all my friends were talking smack about me. I found this really sad because they were doing it right in front of me. They would tell each other stuff and look at me when they said it. One of my friends I call "love" and apparently she told my other really good friend who didn't say anything about me, that she is sick of me and not to call her that. I was truly offended because I thought "I have been nothing but nice to you, so what the hell did I do?" Well this has also taught me a very good lesson at the same time...make that two good lessons...looks are deceiving and not to talk about others...because you will get it back....Karma's a bitch. I am just really upset because I did nothing to them...and I get talked about. What is that about?

Elise's laugh

This thing that Elise does has been occurring for some time but I thought I would bring it up now. Usually at lunch we are sitting there and Elise will say something uber funny and we will all laugh...but she doesn't stop. I mean we all have our known laughs and mine can be heard anywhere but sometimes and its mostly at lunch if you get Elise to laugh really hard she will do this thing and the only way to describe it is a choking dolphin. We all point and laugh and it makes for a great time at lunch. Oh and before I forget she also does this thing where she is going to laugh and she goes HAAAAAA...and her mouth looks like she is going to eat you...Oh Elise..the laughs we get from you!!!!