Sunday, February 17, 2008

Music in our lives

So I'm taking this class called Music in Our Lives. It's a great class to see how music is incorporated into our everyday lives. It got me thinking about all the songs I listen to on an everyday basis. Most of the music I listen to now is rock like on 92.5 but I listen to a variety of different types of music such a pop, country and a bunch of other things. I don't know who gave Paris Hilton a recording contract but who ever it was should be banned from entering heaven when they die. I love music and I am so passionate about the meaning of songs. Some people know the words to a song but don't know the meaning and that is the whole point to a's the artist's way of conveying how they felt at a certain point. Music doesn't even have to contain lyrics or instruments...and you may ask me "well how is it music without all that?" Well music is a series of vibrations so anything can be music...from my nails clicking on the keyboard to the opening of a water bottle. It all depends on what you perceive as music. We listened to this song in class called 4 minutes and 33 seconds and it was a great song. It was well 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence but it wasn't even was all the noises that happened in that time period...some of which were pencil's writing, the sniffling of noses, and the movement of feet. It was so interesting to think that just simple sounds are music to some. I love this class a lot! It has taught me a lot in the almost month that I have been in it. What are you music choices? What do you consider music? How is it used in your everyday life? Think about these questions and get back to me.


Derick said...

My music choices are mainly rap and hip-hop, but I really will listen to anything with a good beat, but not really too much country. After reading this I realized music could actually be anything you just have to take the time time to listen. I listen to music everyday, like when sitting at the computer and ESPECIALLY whn im driving, if i couldnt listen to music when i drive, i wouldnt drive, as much.

Kristyn_08 said...

This is a really cool view on music. You're right, there are so many songs that I love that I never think about the actual meaning behind the words. I love when I've heard a song a thousand times and all of the metaphors suddenly click in my head; it's like hearing a totally different song when it actually means something.