Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pennies Pennies Everywhere....and no where to spend them

So i was just reading a blog done by Liza and she was talking about how she had many many many things in her purse. But as I was reading I came across good old Mr. Lincoln and how he is no use in a vending machine. Well this is very true. Why can't you use pennies in vending machines? I also have a billion pennies and no place for them. Yea they can add up to make 5, 10, even 47 cents, but I don't want to carry them around forever. I don't shop enough to spend them. And even if I did that, I can only use so many. I mean yea, sometimes you get the total to magically be $8.01 or $6.43 but why can't I buy a freaking bag of Chex Mix for $0.55 with my pennies? I should be able to throw as many pennies as I want in there and get my food. If I can't use them in a vending machine, why even have them around? Why bother making my wallet weigh more than it needs to with a load of pennies? I sure hope some day I can spend my pennies in a vending machine, but for now every time I get some back I will just toss them back to the cashier to keep.

SUBTOPIC: What is with all the Canadian change we have here in AMERICA????? I really hope Bshaves reads this and helps me to better understand since he loves America, and I also hope he agrees with me on this. Canadian coins are meant to be in Canada, not here because again they don't work in the vending machine. Scenario: You're all pumped up to get a Mango Madness Snapple and you have your three quarters ready to go and you get to the machine and you're like "Yes!! I love this stuff!!! It's made from the best STUFF on Earth." You put the first quarter in and it falls into the other pile of change in the machine, then you put the second one in and again it falls into that pile of change (which by the way I would love to have all that change...story for another time), then you put that last quarter in and , it goes into the coin receptor, so you put it in again and again and then you finally look at the back and it says Canadian. At this point I say something like "Are you kidding me!?!" or "Stupid Canadians!!!" So then I have to go borrow a quarter from a friend because there is no way I'd go without my Mango Madness Snapple. Those Canadians need to keep their change in their country and not bring them here to ruin my Snapple experience.

My question to you: What should be done with pennies and should we be able to use them in vending machines? and any complaints on either topic is fine because I am very curious to hear what you have to say......


Derick said...

Lets see, the there isnt really taht much you can do with pennies. So, first keep extra in your car for the people that can't stop on the right number when pumping gas, and also just save them and put them in a coin star.

ilove64crayons said...

those are good ideas and I do have some in my car because I am known to hit $20.01 in the gas pump and I hate coin star because I deal with it at work and it takes some money from you...stupid government machine!!!

MemphisKell said...

Let's just do away with pennies. It' easier to round to 5's or 10's.