Saturday, February 23, 2008

The joy of having a younger sister!!

So I was writing this and listened to my sister being a pain in the butt. She is so annoying and has no sense of what is right and wrong. She thinks she is basically Pairs Hilton and thinks she can do what ever she wants and whenever. She takes after my mom a lot so my mom lets her do more because they are alike. Both of them are skinny and have a bad attitude. I feel left out a lot and like they team up on me. She thinks she can get what she wants. She is doing it right now to my dad. She is trying to get my dad to take her all over God's creation so she can get new games for her wii. I'm not sure what else to say except that my sister is a huge pain in the ass and oh did I mention she is younger so my lets her do soooo much more. If you have a younger sibling, what do you think about them? If you are the younger sibling, why are you so annoying? What's your side of the story?


Derick said...

HAHAHA, Im the younger sibling and I kinda do get what I want but IDK y that is, and its also funny the my sister reacts to it when Ig et her mad.

StalePhish said...

I got a little brother. He kinda looks up to me and will basically do whatever I say unless he's with his friends. I used to be a huge pain in my older brothers ass and we used to fight ALOT. We're older now and pretty much best friends but we still fight alot because thats the only way we know how to settle our differences. I suppose that's how it will be as my little brother gets older too.