Sniffles, sniffles everywhere
And not a tissue anywhere
I will not wipe it on my shirt
Not even in the dirt
( nothing to do with the poem but it's like an intermission..this is starting to sound like Dr.Seuss)
I don't want to wipe it on my friend
Because then my arm might break and bend
I am not to happy with the snot
Although that'd be cool in a knot
I am sad and grumpy everyday
So please cold, go away
You are my biggest enemy
And I always have to pee
They say to drink more liquids
But nothing rhymes with liquids
The Doctor will tell me to get some rest
But I think that my dad knows best
Vitamin C is the way to go
And that's what you need to do
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So today's blog is going to be in a much lighter mood than yesterday. I'm feeling a little bit better but still yucky. I want to talk about the effect the opposite sex has on people. I can't talk about this from a guys point of view seeing as though I am all girl here but I can see it from a girls point of view. Guys are very interesting beings. They can pee with out squatting, they can laugh at the dumbest jokes ever, but the most important thing is that they can look at you a certain way and you just know. You know that they like you and you obviously like them. I feel this way about someone and I'm about 99.9% sure they feel the same way. But here's my question. Why is nothing done about it? Why can't a guy say how he feels and the girl be like "Oh my gosh, I feel the same!" I have told this person how I feel about them and they say that they like me too, but neither of us want to be in a relationship. How can that be?!? I am completely boggled by this!! I'm pretty sure the only person that understands this as well as myself is Elise. I have told her about him and she is kind of in the same predicament. Guys are so great (most of the time....when they aren't a pain), but why can't they just admit how they feel? I mean I'm not trying to sound desperate but a certain date is approaching (May 17th...aka PROM) and the one kid I want to ask me, hasn't. He likes me but said it's too early to ask anyone. It's in 2 and a half months for Pete sake. All I'm saying is, guys need to grow some b@lls and ask a girl to prom. We don't have forever guys!!
As you can tell I got way off topic which I have a slight problem with so, moving on. Guys have certain looks they give girls which show that they are interested. For instance, doing the full body scan or the head nod. All of these qualify as being interested. For when they look at you and they talk to you, they just make your heart melt. Sure, around their friends they won't be like that because they have to be "tough" but when it's just you and him, the world seems to turn on its axis and just stop spinning all together. (I'm not sure if any of my fellow girls out there can relate but if so leave me a comment please.) When guys get into deep thought they really speak like they are reading it from a book. It's so sweet and just makes you feel so good inside. Ever look into a guys eyes? They have the most amazing eyes ever. The guy that I was talking about earlier has the most amazing blue eyes. They just make my heart want to melt. And when you stare into their eyes, you find yourself lost and agreeing with everything they say. I will give you a for instance. You and your guy are talking to each other during class and then the staring begins, but not the gawky staring, just looking into his b-e-a-utiful eyes. He starts to talk about a movie he saw that you don't like but you pretend you do, well because you like him. He's just a-talking away and he says "Oh my gosh!!! The part where the car smashes into the huge 18 wheeler was my favorite part and then the hot chick gets out and she has tiny shorts on....Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!" And then you say "That's my favorite too!!" Ooops....not good. Hey at least he thinks you have similar taste in movies. I think the eyes of a guy say it all. It tells you yes I'm interested or no. If a guy can look at you and talk that is good because he can keep contact and also multi task.
To sum up guys are amazing and just need to get the courage to ask a girl out already! What's a girl got to do, ask you herself? (I've tried this but am getting no luck. Pointers would be fab also especially from the gentlemen out there on how to handle a situation like this)
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