Friday, February 15, 2008

What is this thing on my face?

well today i felt as though it was a day just to mourn for awhile...two blogs is the way to go!!! I woke up this morning and felt like I had gotten burned by my eyebrow which would be understandable because i went tanning so i could've gotten burned. Anyhow, I woke up and jumped in the shower and cranked dat hot water. I felt my stomach was burned and sure enough it was so i thought i had just burned my face..I got out of the shower (even though i didn't want to cuz it was so amazingly warm)...i looked in the mirror and found a little friend on my my friend looked like he/she was sitting pretty on my face so i didn't want to disturb i left it alone..(if this is freaking you out as well i'm sorrry)...anyway so i scrunched my hair and every time i moved around it hurt. well i started to do my makeup and decided you're not going to ruin my day little guy, so i began to cover him up (and thank all that is good in this world for bangs because it covered it pretty well, even though it still hurt like a mother)..anyway i was covering it up and i was so sad that i think it knew that and stop hiding behind the makeup....darn you.....well i gave up on all that and said "you stupid acne problem, you may hurt me but you're not gonna ruin my day." So off I went to school only to find that when I got home from school it was much more noticeable than earlier....acne must die!!!!

(I'm sure the stress and sweating and the gym didn't help the clogging of the pores on my face)

(sorry for a little too much info, but thought you should know)

What a gift?!

So this girl named Jill* that I have math with and who sits in front of me was talking to me. Well one of the other girls in the class got moved because she couldn't concentrate...well duh...don't put her next to me....i talk too much...anyways they were talking about valentines day and all that mush when i realized a purple mark on the upper lip of Jill. She asked me if I could see it and I go "well yeah...what did you eat a purple lollipop?" She goes "No i got it from a guy." You mean to tell me a guy sucked your lip and made it look as though you had either gotten punched in the lip or had eaten a grape lollipop!!!!! Well today I found out who it was. This kid George* that I had gone to elementary school with had planted your basic hickey on this girls lip. I started to laugh and she goes "We are dating!" I was so speechless that I just smiled.
Question: Why do guys have to leave their mark on a girl. That's almost as bad as an animal peeing on a tree to claim it. Like seriously, girls are not property, so wtf?!

*Names have been changed to protect identities.